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To H.E. the Minister of the Colonies, by C.F. Van Delden Laërne, Attached to the Departement of the Interior at Batavia (Java), charged by the Dutch Government with a special mission to Brazil on behalf of the Coffee-culture and Coffee-commerce in the Dutch Possessions in India. With plates, maps and diagrams. W.H. Allen & Cº, London. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. 1885.

De 23,5x15 cm. Com xii, 637, [vii] págs.

Encadernação do editor em tela com ferros a ouro na lombada e ferros a seco em esquadria em ambas as pastas.

Profusamente ilustrado no texto com tabelas, quadros e gravuras e em extratexto com reproduções de fotografias, mapas e diagramas. Entre estes encontram-se os seguintes desdobráveis de grandes dimensões: «Diagram showing the rises and falls in the price of coffee at Carácas, from 1876 to 1879 and 1879-83». «Geological Map of the Coffee-area of Central Brazil, according to Prof. Orville A. Derby, at Rio de Janeiro, 1884», «Map of the Coffee-area of Central Brazil, by C. F. Van Delden Laërne». Estes encontram-se ligeiramente danificados com alguns rasgos.

Exemplar apresenta as coifas e os cantos das pastas desgastadas. Apresenta assinatura de posse em letra coeva na folha de anterrosto.

Obra composta de doze capítulos mais um apêndice. Texto descritivo, baseado no testemunho directo, com comparações históricas e comentários. Panorama económico do Brasil acerca da cultura do café, aspectos físicos do solo, condições da mão de obra imigrante, alfândegas e exportação. Detalha pormenorizadamente a economia cafeeira, tornando-se assim uma obra essencial para a história económica do Brasil naquele período.

Karel Frederik van Delden Laërne (9 September 1845 – Batavia - 27 July 1940 - Malang (Oost-Java). Em setembro de 1883 chega ao Brasil no paquete francês Orénoque, sendo a sua presença amplamente divulga nos periódicos da Corte e da província de São Paulo. De acordo com a imprensa da época, Laerne possuía plantações de café na ilha de Java, possessão da Holanda à época. Além de cafeicultor em Java, o holandês ocupava “elevado cargo na administração das colônias holandesas”. Faleceu com 94 anos em Java, nas Índias Orientais Holandesas.

A ilha de Java foi um importante competidor do Império Brasileiro nos assuntos do café. De 1840 para frente, foi a única região produtora mundial que se mostrou capaz de competir com a produção cafeeira brasileira. Suas trajetórias foram bastante distintas: enquanto a produção brasileira verificou aumento constante, a de Java estacionou no patamar de 75.000 toneladas anuais.

 23.5x15 cm. xii, 637, [vii] pp.

Publisher´s canvas binding, gilt tooled on the spine and square dry rolling tools framing both boards.

Profusely illustrated in the text with tables, charts and engravings and hors text with reproductions of photographs, maps and diagrams. Among these are the following large foldouts: "Diagram showing the rises and falls in the price of coffee at Carácas, from 1876 to 1879 and 1879-83". "Geological Map of the Coffee-area of Central Brazil, according to Prof. Orville A. Derby, at Rio de Janeiro, 1884", "Map of the Coffee-area of Central Brazil, by C. F. Van Delden Laërne". These are slightly damaged with some tears.

Copy has the headcap and corners somewhat worn. Presents manuscript ownership title in capital letters on the front free end paper.

Work composed of twelve chapters plus an appendix. Descriptive text, based on direct testimony, with historical comparisons and commentary. Economic overview of Brazil about the coffee crop, physical aspects of the soil, conditions of the immigrant labour force, customs and exports. Records the coffee economy in detail, thus making it an essential work for the economic history of Brazil in that period.

Karel Frederik van Delden Laërne (9 September 1845 - Batavia - 27 July 1940 - Malang (Oost-Java). In September 1883 he arrived in Brazil on the French liner Orénoque, and his presence was widely publicised in the periodicals of the Court and the province of São Paulo. According to the press, Laerne owned coffee plantations on the island of Java, a Dutch possession at the time. Besides being a coffee grower in Java, the Dutchman also held a "high position in the administration of the Dutch colonies". He died at the age of 94 in Java, in the Dutch East Indies.

The island of Java was an important competitor of the Brazilian Empire in coffee affairs. From 1840 onwards, it was the only world producing region that proved capable of competing with Brazilian coffee production. Their trajectories were quite different: while Brazilian production saw a steady increase, Java's was stationary at the level of 75,000 tons per year.


Borba de Moraes, Bibliographia Brasiliana, 450.


Referência: 1508JC063


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