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EM QUE SE MOSTRA A SUA natureza, sua duraçaõ, seu movimento, sua influencia, e a sus Regiaõ &c. ESCRITO Por B. M. LISBOA: Na Officina de FRANCISCO BORGES DE SOUSA. Anno de 1757.

In 4º (18x14 cm) com 21, (ii) págs. Encadernação recente em pergaminho rígido ao gosto da época.

Ilustrado com vinhetas e capitulares xilográficas decorativas.

Exemplar com título de posse coevo manuscrito na margem da folha de rosto.

Primeira edição desta obra sobre os fenómenos astronómicos e outros fenómenos atmosféricos que tiveram uma intensa actividade durante o período do Terramoto de 1755, como é atestado por outras obras da mesma época, tal como afirma Gaston R. Demarée.

Inocêncio I, 350: “Padre Bento Morganti, Presbytero secular, Licenceado em Canones pela Univ. de Coimbra, e Beneficiado na Basilica de S. Maria de Lisboa. Nasceu em Roma, em 1709, sendo filho de Lourenço Morganti, natural de Lucca, e de D. Clara d’Azevedo, natural de Coimbra. A data do seu falecimento é ainda desconhecida. Breve discurso sobre os cometas, em que se mostra a sua natureza sua duração, seu nascimento etc. Lisboa, na Off. de Francisco Borges de Sousa 1757. 4.o de 21 pag. (Sahiu com as iniciaes do seu nome B. M.)

 FIRST EDITION. The work was first published in 1757 to counter rumors that a comet would predict a major disaster or disasters; the case of the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 is discussed (p. 28).

A work on astronomical phaenomena as well as athmospherical phaenomena, which ocurred sistematically before and after the earthquake of Lisbon, in 1755, as it is reported on other contemporary works, and mentioned by Gaston R. Demarée:

Veja/ See: Sulphurous exhalation after earthquake. Gaston R. Demarée: “the accounts of the fatal earthquake of Lisbon containing evidence of “meteoric” appearances were steadily interpreted by their authors either as observations in line with Aristotle’s “Meteorologica” or as prognostications from the Bible. Nevertheless, other accounts testify to the emerging new vision of scientific ideas in the spirit of the Enlightenment. …. Some of its appearances were noticed all over Europe and are known as “Dry Fogs”. The dry fogs could have the appearance of dark black clouds providing a most dreadful impressions. It was quite evident that the appearance of such a cloud was interpreted of the worst”.

This work explains that comets are natural phenomena, giving a good idea in lay terms of their astronomical significance, and explains that they have no influence on earthly events.

Halley"s Comet duly appeared in 1759.

Morganti was born in Rome in 1709. He had a degree in canon law from Coimbra University, was a secular presbyter, and had a benefice at the Basilica de Santa Maria.

Binding: recent replica of contemporary parchment.

Illustrated with vignettes and decorative capital letters.

Copy with contemporary marginal ownership titles on title page.

Inocêncio I, 350 (calling for only 21 pp.); Fonseca, p. 102. ; Coimbra, Miscelâneas 6439, 8053. OCLC: 64234425 (Houghton Library, Newberry Library, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).

Cantamessa: não refere. Not in Cantamessa.


Referência: 1305JC031
Local: M-9-A-9

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